Code of Conduct for Visitors

Staff (including volunteers and contractors) recognise and promote the fundamental role of families to the wellbeing of our participants and clients.

Your Rights

In recognition of our professional responsibilities, and in the context of our relationship to contractors, participants and their representatives or families, Joy Valley Care is committed to protect the following rights of our staff and volunteers:

  • their right to be treated with respect.
  • their right to security at work free of harassment and anti-social behaviour.
  • their right to have their religious and cultural identity respected.
  • their right to privacy and confidentiality.
  • the recognition that they are social beings with rightful expectations to work in a pleasant and professional environment..

Joy Valley Care will ardently protect these rights, as we have a legally binding duty of care to our staff and volunteers to do so, and because our staff and volunteers are deserving of such protections. If these rights are not preserved, we are at risk of losing valuable knowledgeable staff and volunteers who may seek to provide their services elsewhere. This can ultimately have a negative impact on Joy Valley Care and its participants.

Accordingly, we request that families of participants treat our staff and volunteers with dignity and respect. Staff and volunteers are in turn expected to treat families of residents and clients with the same degree of courtesy and decorum.

Joy Valley Care maintains that shouting, abusing, threatening or swearing at our staff will not be tolerated. If this occurs, the relevant visitor will be advised in writing and will be given the opportunity to respond in a meeting with Joy Valley Care management who will investigate incidents.

If the abusive or inappropriate behaviour persists, legal avenues of redress may be required. In extreme circumstances where the behaviour is continuing and is jeopardising the occupational health and safety of our staff, volunteers and participants serious measures will be considered, including legal proceedings.

It is accepted that in circumstances where participants, representatives or families wish to raise issues with staff and volunteers they are to do so in the way which protects the rights enunciated above. Formal grievances and complaints will be taken up with the manager of the Centre. This will be done by making an appointment at a mutually convenient time. If the matter remains unresolved the families are encouraged to put the complaint in writing to the Joy Valley Care management. Should the internal process prove to be unsuccessful participants, representatives or families can lodge a complaint with external bodies as per participant handbook.