Community Access &
Choice and Decision Making Policy

Your Rights

As a participant of Joy Valley Care you have the right to:

  • Make your own decisions and participate in decisions that affect you.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect, free from any discrimination, harassment or abuse.
  • Be heard.
  • Receive a quality service that meets your needs, provided in a safe manner that meets relevant professional or industry standards.
  • Be fully involved in setting your own goals and action plans.
  • Receive clear information about the range of service options available and how you can access them.
  • Have any complaint heard and dealt with fairly.
  • Express your opinions and offer suggestions freely.
  • An interpreter if you need one.

Under the Australian Consumer Law, you have rights when buying products or services. They include:

  • The right to be treated fairly.
  • The right to be given accurate information before you buy.
  • The right to cancel a faulty service.
  • The right to a repair, replacement or refund if something goes wrong.

Your consumer rights apply to:

  • General products (e.g. groceries, clothes and household items).
  • Disability related products (e.g. an assistive hearing device or mobility aid such as a walker, wheelchair, motorised scooter or lift chair).
  • Services (e.g. accommodation, cleaning, cooking, personal care, gardening services or case management supports).

Our commitment to your representatives

As a participant receiving care and services within Joy Valley Care you have the right to be represented by a person or people of your own choice. This includes families, friends, carers and advocates in safeguarding and upholding the rights as a person with a disability. This takes into account the need and the right of the family and representatives to be heard and have their needs, suggestions and contributions in your interest acknowledged and actioned, only as authorised by you. Persons acting on your behalf will be attended to in the same manner, with respect and dignity as you do, as we recognise their role as acting in your interest.

As a participant receiving care and services within Joy Valley Care you have the right to access or be assisted by Joy Valley Care to access legal representation and other services that you may wish to access.

Community Access

Each participant has the right and the freedom to choose what areas of the community they wish to access. The participant has full control of their lifestyle and activities of daily living. Joy Valley Care will not place boundaries or controls as to where the participant wants to go or what activities they wish to engage in. Joy Valley Care will endeavour to facilitate for the achievement of such as desired by the participant. Our support staff have the title of ‘Lifestyle Support Partner’ which indicates that we are here to support participants with their ‘lifestyle’ and ambitions. Joy Valley Care offers assistance with transport and staff support to get to places of interest and appointments.

Your responsibilities

As a participant of Joy Valley Care you have your own set of responsibilities. These responsibilities include:

  • Make your needs known, whether this be by asking questions or providing us with information to help us assist you.
  • Not discriminate against staff or other participants in any way.
  • Treat other people, including staff and other participants, with respect.
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other participants and staff members.
  • Be an active participant in developing your action plan then follow through on these actions.
  • Take responsibility for the results of your own decisions and actions.
  • Keep appointments or call if you are unable to attend.
  • Pay any fees or charges which you have agreed to

Your personal information

All our participants are entitled to confidentiality and privacy. As such we will make you aware of private and sensitive information being recorded about you, ask permission to share this information with any other service, and inform you of any circumstances in which we are legally required to waive confidentiality arrangements.

We also make sure that all our records are kept in a confidential, secure place.

If you have any concerns about the use of your private and sensitive information you can contact the Joy Valley Care management directly on our 24 hour number 0407 413 365 or via email to