Privacy and Dignity

To enable each participant or their representative to participate in decisions about the services they receive and to exercise choice and control over their lifestyle and while not infringing on the rights of other people. 


Joy Valley Care respects the privacy and dignity of each participant that we provide our services to. We believe each person is entitled to be afforded privacy and dignity and that their choices and lifestyle ought to be respected and facilitated for as much as possible. This policy sets out our strategies to fulfil this undertaking.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:

  • Our team members are well informed of the participants’ rights to privacy and dignity.
  • Our participants and/or their representatives state that they are satisfied that their privacy and dignity are respected and facilitated for.
  • Participants are in control of their own environment and their wishes are met.


This policy applies to all Joy Valley Care staff, participants and their representatives, volunteers, contractors and visitors in general. Each participant’s right to privacy and dignity is recognised and respected.


Participants are assisted to achieve maximum independence, maintain friendships and participate in the life of the community within and outside their home, engage as much as possible or desired with their family and friends at their own chosen pace and time. Participants are encouraged to be in control of their own engagements with who or what services they wish to engage by being fully involved in the planning process.

Our staff will ensure that Joy Valley Care recognises the participants’ right to privacy and dignity. To achieve this we will follow these simple but vital guidelines and processes:


Joy Valley Care recognises that people feel good when they are comfortable with what they are wearing, for whatever occasion. People have a strong sense of what style of clothing suits their personality and personal preferences. Joy Valley Care will not deny participants this right as to deny them the ability to choose is harmful to their dignity.

The help to get dressed will be provided if it is an identified need and approved by the participant. This includes the physical act of choosing their clothing.


Denying the person to decide what they want and imposing what we believe they want is harmful to a person’s dignity. It makes them feel disconnected and unvalued. Their lack of control over the situation is dehumanising.

People appreciate being included, it gives them the sense that their opinion and preferences are respected. Joy Valley Care staff will ensure to involve participants in any and all discussions that affect their care e.g. medication management, environment, food, lifestyle activities and many more.


Joy Valley Care management, staff, volunteers and contractors must create and maintain an environment that promotes individual’s freedom of expression and choice without hesitation, fear or prejudice. At Joy Valley Care we believe that each individual is entitled to be who they want to be and what they want to do, with whom they want be. Our programmes are planned in consultation with the participants and we encourage the participants to take ownership of their day to day activities of living.


Although seemingly small, but a crucial part of a person’s identity is their name. At Joy Valley Care we will not assume what title or name would be suitable or would be appreciated by the person, even if it might seem like a polite way to address them. This would be disrespectful to the person’s identity and dignity. Joy Valley Care staff will always ask how the person would like to be addressed.


At Joy Valley Care we believe that meal times are a highlight of the day and we recognise that we all look forward to a nice meal and snacks. Staff are to ensure that meals are presented in respectful, appetising and appealing manner. Participants will be involved in the planning of the meals. Menu choices are strictly and wholly made by participants. Joy Valley Care staff will involve participants when creating meal plans – they can offer suggestions, including their favourite dishes. We make sure our staff are skilled at cooking and receive fresh, quality ingredients. Staff will make sure food is well-presented.


Respecting participants’ privacy in their home is of utmost importance. Their personal space will be respected and recognised as such. Staff will enter their room upon receiving permission from the participant. Staff will knock and wait for response prior to entering the room. All visitors will recognise the home as someone’s home and Joy Valley Care will ensure that boundaries are respected. Friends and family members of staff are not permitted beyond the reception area of the home unless by invitation or express authorisation of the participants.

Staff are instructed not to move or rifle through participants’ personal belongings without permission. Staff are to ask the participant if it is ok to move their items while they clean. The simple act of asking makes people feel respected and more open to giving you permission and instils trust. Staff will ensure to put everything back where it was prior to leaving the room or area done.


If staff need to assist a person with bathing and dressing/undressing they must handle the situation with tact. Understanding that they will be self-conscious and very self-aware when undressed.

Staff must ask for consent before they engage in any activities involving their body such as assisting with personal care, grooming, wound dressing, administering of medication. Staff will explain what they are doing as they are doing it and engage in conversation to make the situation less uncomfortable.


Living in shared home arrangements can leave a person feeling shut off from the outside world. Particularly for those who have an extroverted personality, this can be extremely stifling and damaging to their identity and dignity. Having a social life instils them with a sense of purpose and satisfaction, thus improving their quality of life. Joy Valley Care is committed to creating opportunities for people in our care to engage in social activities, whether it be inside or outside the premises. Contact with family, eating out with friends, or getting involved in local groups are all good examples. Where hobbies are identified and a desire to pursue them Joy Valley Care will endeavour to facilitate in order to fulfil those activities.


Pain can distract a person and hinder their ability to enjoy life. As part of person-centred care approach we engage the services of Registered Nurses who are skilled at identifying signs of pain without being told. Restlessness, social isolation, and avoidance are some examples. Detecting pain is easier if the person is seen by the same caregiver regularly, since trends and changes in behaviour will be more apparent. Our staff are trained to report any changes in the person’s behaviour or responses as they could be signs of pain. This also enables staff to build a relationship with the person, so they’ll feel more willing to speak out about any pain.


Joy Valley Care staff are encouraged to offer participants quality social time. Let them lead the conversation if they want to. Really listen and interact with them, show interest in what they have to share.